It's time for the profound statement of the day. Ready? My body is... my body. Simple, obvious and yet no one can seem to get it.
I have been very lucky so far on the hair front. Almost everyone has loved it, without question. On my real Facebook, where I am not "out" about FA to most people, tons of comments have come in supporting me. Even at work at ON, no one has even batted an eye. That's pretty amazing for retail. I'm there to sell a product, so I could see if they disapproved of my looking very different from their customer base. But all my managers loved it and treated it as though it was the most normal thing ever.
That being said, I have gotten a couple of not so happy responses, from family members, isn't that always the way? Fine. It's a big change all at once, with no real warning (I mean I've always been saying I wanted to shave my head but I guess people thought I was joking.) I could see where they wouldn't immediately tell me I look great.
But here's the thing that really gets me. Right after the "so what did you do that for?" speech, came this question. "What does your husband think about it?"
To which I've been answering that he's the one who encouraged me to do it when I started to second-guess myself AND he's the one who took all the pictures of me while I was in the chair. But I really feel what I should have said is "it's my damn head!"
Now, I love my husband very much and I would never make a big decision without consulting him first. But at the end of the day, it's my head. He doesn't own my head, I am not his property. It's such sexist bull to ask me what he thinks (in a certain way, some of my coworkers asked nicely.) My husband who loves me and supports me no matter what is going leave me because we both have short hair and of course women cannot be attractive if they have short hair? Will I stop loving my husband when he goes bald? Or if he gets a "bad" haircut or decides to go for a ponytail? Of course not. But men are allowed to do those kinds of things. A woman shaving her head means she doesn't love her husband.
I love my new hairdo. It makes me happy. And that makes my husband happy. And, oh yeah, not that it matters, but I look pretty damn good like this so I think it actually turns Mr. Sprat on more. And he doesn't have to worry about putting his arm around me and pulling my hair anymore. But that's not the point. It's my decision and if you don't like it, tell me you don't like it, don't allude to the fact that my head exists solely for my husband's pleasure by asking what he thinks.
I also love my fat, it makes me happy and it is a part of me. And my husband married me with all that fat there already. So step off my body, it's mine and mine alone and the people who really care about me, will love it, no matter what.
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