Monday, February 14, 2011

Pointing Out the Obvious

Dear Dan Savage,

Oh wait, that sounds familiar.  

Didn't the media recently bring to everyone's attention that gay teens were very likely to commit suicide or have thought about committing suicide?  And didn't someone start a campaign called "It Gets Better" to try and lessen this risk?

Oh yeah, it was you.  

Suggesting that a higher mortality rate among gays means that they should not be able to get married is ludicrous.  But so is trotting out the same tired reasons why fat people will die.  Lots of gay people don't have AIDS.  Lots of fat people don't have heart disease or diabetes.  Using fat marriage, even satirically to demonstrate the ridiculousness of banning gay marriage is bullying, plain and simple.  

Fat people cannot closet themselves (not that gays should either, but sometimes it is the only option until it gets better.)  They suffer from bullying when they are children, teens and into their adult years.  They are told by teachers to "lay off the candy" and mocked for loving who they love and being who they are.  And they are threatened with the "specter of health" looming over them, telling them that if they do not shape up, they will die young and unloved.  

And the worst part is-- thanks to people like you-- it does not get better.

Mrs. Sprat

PS:  Please feel free to check out Living400lbs and Brian at Red No. 3 for some more tips on how not to be a hypocrite.  

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