Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Hello Fat-O-Sphere!

I have recently been added to the Fat-O-Sphere feed, so I thought I should introduce myself again to any new readers out there.  My moniker here is Mrs. Sprat and I am a Human Sexuality Education student, a fat activist and a blogger.  To pay for those endeavors I am also a some-time retail grunt.  I have been married to Mr. Sprat for two years now and we live in the greater Philadelphia area where we are both in graduate school.

I discovered Fat Acceptance when I read an article by Kate Harding about fat women and rape for my work as a sexuality educator.  The material immediately clicked with what I think I had known on some level all along:  That there is nothing wrong with being fat, but a whole lot wrong with stigmatizing people for their body size.  Since then I have immersed myself in FA blogs, books and theory and most recently, attended my first fat conference, NAAFA's annual conference in DC this past weekend.

I try to cover lots of different issues on this blog, but certainly the intersection of sexuality and fat and body image is a favorite of mine.  I also have been known to cover fashion, food, sexism, current events and pretty much anything that tickles my fancy (or makes me very, very angry.)

Thank you all for reading and commenting, I look forward to working with all of you!

Mrs. Sprat


  1. Hi there Mrs. Sprat! Welcome to the fatosphere. I look forward to reading your posts.
    ~JeninCanada @ www.fatandnotafraid.jigsy.com

  2. Thanks! I love your website's name!

  3. I'm glad you're on the feed! I've been reading - or rather, forgetting to read until something reminds me, then catching up on all the posts I've missed, wash, rinse, repeat - almost since you started, and this'll make it sooo much easier to keep up.

    (Are you ever going to tell us about the gorgeous shimmery peacock thing - I can't tell from the pics if it's a top or a dress - you were wearing when you got your hair buzzed? Or is that a deep dark secret?)

