Wednesday, December 15, 2010

On Being More Afraid of Fat Acceptance than Just Being Fat

I have been lurking around the corners of the Fat-O-Sphere for months now and trying to figure out how to process the material I have been working through.  I've been talking to my husband about it, which has been great, but I am afraid to tell anyone else.  I'm afraid that I will be judged and laughed at and that's just my family's reactions!  So I decided that maybe the best way to process everything--  and to try to slowly build up the courage to tell my family and friends about my new interest-- is to start writing.

I have been fat my whole life, (with the exception of the year I was 10, though I didn't know it at the time.)  From late elementary school on I have been on various diets, though mostly Slim-Fast.  Once I got to college, I began telling people that yes, I wanted to be on a diet but college was too stressful and once I was out I would try to lose weight.  But secretly, I had no desire to lose weight.  I was happy with how I looked and felt and certainly happy with eating what I enjoyed.  After college I married Mr. Sprat and after a year of working I am back in graduate school studying Human Sexuality.  I discovered FA a few months ago when I was reading a book about rape and there was an article by Kate Harding in it.  I've been hooked ever since and am feeling stronger and better about myself than I ever have.

I am really looking forward to discussing fat acceptance with the community, not to mention focusing on fat sex, as it combines two of my greatest interests and also getting to show off some outfits (one of the few benefits of working in retail to put myself through school.)  See you around the Fat-O-Sphere!


  1. I'm glad to see your blog pop up! Fat sex is something not addressed enough. Could you do a line of topics for fat women with slimmer partners? My husband is quite a bit smaller than myself, and I'm always looking for new ideas.

  2. I am so glad that you've decided to start this blog. I will say this, I haven't broached the FA topic with my blood relatives, but all of my friends (I consider my true family) know and accept. Even took the lot of 'em to a fat dance troop show for my b-day! You cannot change people, especially those who will always see you as a little girl (parents/sibs), you can stay firm to your beliefs and stay positive, but only you know what is right for you. =0)
